🌱 Basic Operators

Learn about the basic Google search operators with one of our beginner templates.

Query Dorks

Use AND between search terms to limit results to pages containing all the specified words, though not necessarily in the order t...

🌱 Basic Operators

Use quotation marks in Google searches to find the exact keyword or phrase you're looking for.

🌱 Basic Operators

The "inanchor:" search operator helps you find web pages that are linked to using specific words in their links.

🌱 Basic Operators

Use the intext: operator to search for pages that contain your specified terms in their text.

🌱 Basic Operators

Use the "any" operator to narrow down searches to pages that contain your terms in their text, title or URL.

🌱 Basic Operators

Use the intitle: operator to narrow down searches to pages that contain your specified terms directly in their title tags.

🌱 Basic Operators

Utilize filetype: followed by a file extension (pdf, ppt, docx, etc.) to find documents of a particular format. This is particul...

🌱 Basic Operators

The site: operator restricts your search to a specific website or domain, making it invaluable for searching within sites that l...

🌱 Basic Operators

Incorporate OR (in all caps) between terms to instruct Google to fetch pages that contain at least one of the specified words. T...

🌱 Basic Operators

Place a minus sign immediately before a word or phrase you wish to exclude from your search results. This method effectively fil...

🌱 Basic Operators